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Mediation course 7 days International accreditation (English)ADR/MfN

2.650,00 btw vrijgesteld

We combine dedicated classroom training, practical, immersive learning, and role play workshop sessions to bring your meditation course to life. You’ll train with internationally-renowned, highly-experienced leaders, and benefit from our optimised 1:6 tutor to delegate ratio for personalised learning. Every course is tailored for each unique group of delegates, to best support your individual training needs. Our accredited mediator course includes a full, independent assessment day, personal mentoring, examination, and graduation day with observation, helping you to achieve recognised accreditation as a mediator in just 7 days.


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Achieve recognised international accreditation as a mediator in just 7 days.(language English)

We combine dedicated classroom training, practical, immersive learning, and role play workshop sessions to bring your meditation course to life. You’ll train with internationally-renowned, highly-experienced leaders, and benefit from our optimised 1:6 tutor to delegate ratio for personalised learning. Every course is tailored for each unique group of delegates, to best support your individual training needs. Our accredited mediator course includes a full, independent assessment day, personal mentoring, examination, and graduation day with observation, helping you to achieve recognised accreditation as a mediator in just 7 days.

In het kort

We combine dedicated classroom training, practical, immersive learning, and role play workshop sessions to bring your meditation course to life. You’ll train with internationally-renowned, highly-experienced leaders, and benefit from our optimised 1:6 tutor to delegate ratio for personalised learning. Every course is tailored for each unique group of delegates, to best support your individual training needs. Our accredited mediator course includes a full, independent assessment day, personal mentoring, examination, and graduation day with observation, helping you to achieve recognised accreditation as a mediator in just 7 days.


De opleiding

Achieve recognised international accreditation as a mediator in just 7 days.(language English)

We combine dedicated classroom training, practical, immersive learning, and role play workshop sessions to bring your meditation course to life. You’ll train with internationally-renowned, highly-experienced leaders, and benefit from our optimised 1:6 tutor to delegate ratio for personalised learning. Every course is tailored for each unique group of delegates, to best support your individual training needs. Our accredited mediator course includes a full, independent assessment day, personal mentoring, examination, and graduation day with observation, helping you to achieve recognised accreditation as a mediator in just 7 days.

This nationally accredited mediation skills course sets the standard for mediation training in the UK/NL/USA. Our course gives the positive behaviours, skills and confidence to secure mutual solutions in complex and challenging conflicts. This course is for internal mediation teams or individuals wanting to excel in mediation. The course is a powerful and challenging journey transforming experienced staff into competent conflict practitioners, giving them a leading edge in successful employee relations.

An intensive 7 day version of our Certificate in Mediation Skills. Both available as in-house options giving organisations a choice in balancing staff time with operational constraints.

The course is highly experiential and interactive with high levels of trainer demonstration, coaching and skills practice. The course offers insightful theory which will help you understand the psychology of conflict and help you to respond positively in complex and challenging conflicts. The course offers practical skills and techniques to help people reach resolution.

Course objectives:

  1. Understand the principles and theory of mediation
  2. Understand the psychology of conflict escalation and conflict resolution
  3. Create a safe environment within the mediation process
  4. Build rapport and trust with people in conflict
  5. Engage resistant people in a constructive process
  6. Maintain an impartial role
  7. Manage and structure the mediation process
  8. Facilitate co-operation and joint problem-solving
  9. Demonstrate anti-discriminatory practice
  10. Constructively manage difficult, conflict behaviours and strong emotions with appropriate control
  11. Strengthen sustainable resolution by addressing underlying psychological factors
  12. Assist people in conflict to achieve win-win outcomes
  13. Know when to mediate and when not to
  14. Understand your own development and support needs as a mediator

We recommend this mediation course for:

  • Advocates
  • Lawyers
  • Workplace managers and team leaders
  • Welfare and equality officers
  • HR professionals
  • Business executives
  • NHS, government and military leaders
  • Trade union representatives

What do you learn:

You’ll receive expert training in all the theoretical and practical skills you will need to be a professional mediator. At the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • Manage the mediation process effectively.
  • Act as an effective advocate in mediation.
  • Settle disputes and conflicts effectively.
  • Develop and refine negotiation skills.
  • Move beyond intractability.
  • Encourage participants through neutral language towards settlement.
  • Develop and refine questioning techniques.
  • Transform the way you and others communicate verbally and non-verbally.

Waar & wanneer

Augustus 2021

Locatie: Postillion Hotel Arnhem
Dagen: 7
Trainers: Mathilde Hol
Dag Datum Tijd
maandag 29 augustus 2022 09.30 tot 20.30
dinsdag 30 augustus 2022 09.30 tot 17.00
maandag 05 september 2022 09.30 tot 20.30
dinsdag 06 september 2022 09.30 tot 17.00
maandag 12 september 2022 09.30 tot 20.30
dinsdag 13 september 2022 09.30 tot 20.30
maandag 10 oktober 2022 09.30 tot 17.00

Kosten & materiaal

Price & details

Prijs € 2650- tax free


IMI is the independent, impartial, and international standard-setting body for mediation.  Criteria are developed through a rigorous process under the oversight of dedicated Committees and Taskforces, with the input of panels of experts.  Professionals such as yourself are then able to qualify against these standards through completing ‘Qualifying Assessment Programs’ (QAPs) at IMI-Certified centres.  IMI Certification is a sign that a professional has reached international standards for mediation knowledge, skills, and practice, and for this reason, IMI-Certified individuals are highly sought after.  (Read more about the benefits of certification here, or search for an IMI Certified professional here.)

IMI, through our QAPs, offer both general and specialised certification for Mediators and Mediation Advocates (collectively, ‘Professionals’).  Standards have also been developed for Trainers, Coaches, and Assessors.  Minimum requirements for each type of certification are listed below, and you can find the full criteria elsewhere on our website.


Mathilde Hol

Mathilde werkt in het dagelijks leven al MfN register-mediator in familiezaken zoals (echt)scheiding en omgang en op zakelijk gebied, arbeidszaken -waaronder exit mediation- en andere kwesties in organisaties. Mathilde is instituut-assessor bij Intop, het instituut wat de assessments voor het MfN afneemt. Verder geeft zij bij de Buurtbemiddelingsacademie, erkend door het CCV (Centrum voor Criminaliteitspreventie en Veiligheid), de specialisatie buurtbemiddeling. Mathilde heeft zich verdiept in Systemisch werk/familieopstellingen en dit past zij toe in haar werk als mediator

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